Saturday, June 21, 2008

...:: The Characteristics of Virtuous Wife ...::

Meet up with someone whom you think is just right for you won’t ensue in a snap. I could still learn by heart the first time I met my husband, Abe. (That is what everyone calls him, not only me). It was six years back when I met him in the university Cultural Unit meeting. We befriended for almost 4 years before we determined to get wedded in 2006. 01/06/08 was our 2nd wedding anniversary, with the new 3rd member; Haziq. Last year there were only us, thus the way of merriment was different. With Haziq around, we could not hang out watching silver screen nor dine in fancy eateries. We had our own private time at home (luckily it was Sunday), spent our time leisurely, watched TV, talked about our early-love-blooming time, hehehehe very much dramatic and vivid. The anniversary gift??? We had our most precious gift this year. Of course laa Haziq.. (hmm Haziq lagi, I’ll make sure he will read his Umi’s blog once he is able to read to let him know how much we love him and how excited we are to have him!)

Mentioning gift, I did not know what to give Abe for our 2nd anniversary. Ye laa.. I was on my unpaid leave.. I was broke.. plus point, buying gift for man is not that easy. You don’t have spacious choices. Hahahaha I believed this is what a woman with inadequate notes would say about buying presents! I asked Abe what he would like as his present, but he refused any. He always wants nothing but a good wife. Hikhikhik.. Fortuitously, I came across a book written by our Chief Minister, (who else..our Tok Guru la!) entitled “Bunga Kebahagiaan”, in which one of the topic discussed the characteristics of a wife loved by the husband. I was truly keen on quoting the personality of a virtuous wife to be incorporated here. However translating the features was quite hard to do. Huhuhu I was afraid I would miss the accurate meaning of his writing. So I simply copied from his script.

  • Membatasi pandangan hanya kepada suami. Dia puas dengannya dan tidak memandang selainnya, tidak membanding-bandingkannya dengan org lain serta tidak mengharapkan perhatian daripada orang lain selain daripada suaminya. (hmm.. checked! I never looked at other man. I could compare him to nothing.)
  • Membataskan aktiviti-aktiviti hariannya di rumah, menghadkan masa di luar rumah kecuali apabila ada alasan syarak yang menghalalkan dia berbuat demikian. (checked! Eh gi keje xpe kan… Abe allows me to.)
  • Bersegera meminta maaf meskipun dirinya dizalimi. (huhu I don’t know either I can be that good.)
  • Memenuhi hak-hak suami dengan baik, mngasuh dan mendidik anak-anak dengan baik serta memenuhi hak kedua-duanya dengan baik. ( hmm Haziq, Umi will try the best to be the greatest and finest mother to you.)
  • Berusaha supaya sentiasa tampil menarik setiap masa. Penampilannya cantik, aromanya wangi, tutur katanya lembut dan memikat serta baik tingkah lakunya. (Abe, I will try to do that. Soft spoken? Tu yg payah sikit tuh..)
  • Berusaha untuk tidak memperlihatkan hal-hal yang tidak disukai suaminya,. Isteri yang pintar tidak akan memperlihatkan kepada suaminya darah haid atau nifas, tidak muntah, tidak membuang air kecil ataupun besar di hadapan suaminya dengan alas an tidak pelu malu-malu di hadapan suami. Boleh jadi semua itu tidak disukai oleh suaminya.
  • Menghindari perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan penampilannya sebagai wanita yang cantik kerana wanita diciptakan untuk berhias cantik. ( I will beautify everything about me!)
  • Memberikan penghormatan kepada suami dengan sesuatu yang membahagiakan dan menyenangkan hatinya. (Abe, I will make you happy no matter how.)
  • Pandai memasak serta pandai menjaga kebersihan diri, anak-anak dan rumah tangga. (A good cook? CHECKED!! but huhuhu i rarely cook now..)
  • Cerdas dan cermat dalam bertindak, berbicara dan meminta. (huhuhu.. payah ni..)
  • Sabar, berani dan cekap dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab rumah tangga. (hmm another challenging job.)
  • Menghantar suami ke depan pintu setiap kali suami berangkat ke tempat erja, menyambutnya setiap kali dia pulang, berterima kasih di atas pemberiannya dan selalu mendoakan kebaikan kepadanya. (huhuhuhu……tears!!! Sometimes when Abe leave for work, I was still in bed.. sorry sayang!)

Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh No!!! I am not yet a good wife.. huhuhu.. I have to try harder to fulfill those criteria. Huhuhuhu… I don’t know when will I be perfect for Abe… sometimes we tend to neglect the simplest things in our life because we believe they are not so important. Sending husband to the door when he’s leaving for work… not many of us can do that. How many times in a week we cook for our family? Huhuhu nasi bungkus jgk yang best. Huh.. it seems that Abe’s gift for our 2nd anniversary is not yet ready……..

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